My last post talked about my marriage. This post will mention my divorce. A lot can happen in a year. I don't want to sling details of the marriage out, but I will say that it has been hard. I don't think divorce ever can just be an easy thing. The nights are the hardest, when you realize that yes, you really are alone again.
The empty bed is a killer.
I occupy my time working mostly. I work part time, and am currently pursuing a career in education. I'd like to teach elementary school. I live with a roommate and her son. My life right now is simple. My goal is to rebuild and create a life that is better than anything I've had so far.
I turn 21 in less than two weeks. I'll be taking a trip to celebrate, so I can get out of this city just for a little bit. I am still in Las Vegas, despite how much I wish I wasn't.
My hair still changes on a whim, so that's one thing about me that I've kept.
My current companion is Chloe, my chihuahua. She brings me a lot of happiness, because she's always happy to see me when I come home.
My parents finally got their divorce about a year ago. My mom spends her time with my siblings now. I haven't actually seen my family in a long time. Its been almost a year and a half since I've seen my mom. Its really hard being away from family, especially while I'm struggling through my divorce.
For now I'll just keep moving forward and hope for the best.