If you have the chance, stop by tomorrow (Saturday, January 23) at TheJerryFink.com's new web show: TheJerryFink.com LIVE!
I'll be the host of the show, and it will be "call in", so anyone with a webcam can make calls, and I can answer questions.
I'm really nervous, and I really want people to stop by! I'll start broadcasting at 12:00 PM PST.
Check it out: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/thejerryfink-com-live
Hope you see you there!
Not Even Re-MOAT-ly
23 hours ago
Good luck!
Good luck! I don't have a webcam set up (or even know where it is) but I'll check it out. :)
Sounds like fun! Unfortunately I do not have a webcam and I'll be at work then :( I'm sure you will do great though. Will there be somewhere to see it after?
Damn. I missed it. How did it go?
Sorry I didnt see this sooner or I would have called in. We do skype all the time.
Hope it went well, and that all is well with you and your family!
Love and Prayers,
That's awesome!!! how did it go???
I hope the show went well for you!
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