I enjoy trick or treating. But there comes a time when OTHER people think that it's inappropriate for you to continue trick or treating because you're "too old".
I personally believe that that is a myth perpetuated by the lazy people that don't want to buy enough candy for the entire neighborhood.
Halloween is (just about) tomorrow, and I'm conflicted.
Do I go out and beg strangers for candy while pretending to be a fictional character, or do I do the "adult" thing and hand out candy to the greedy little children?
Now, I can understand where some people are coming from. There comes a point in time when certain people just need to stop. Imagine looking through your peephole expecting some cute little costumes... and instead feasting your eyes upon this:

Now imagine looking through the same peephole, after firing a few warning shots at the previous visitors, and seeing this:

Nowhere NEAR as bad, right?
... Right.
So what do I do? Do I revel in my last Halloween as an "adolescent"? Throw caution to the wind, and blow chunks from too much candy?
Or do I sit by the door, weeping over the fact that instead of gathering candied goodness from my neighbors, I'm giving a bowl of it away to selfish kids?
In my spiteful, jealous nature I could easily give only one piece to the kids.
Or I could just give away the little flashlights we have, and save the candy for myself.
But would that be fair?
Would I end up like this?

What do YOU think I should do? To treat, or not to treat?
or beat up kids at my door and steal their candy? <------ I like that one. You decide! Vote in my poll in the sidebar!
(Also let me know in the comments why you chose what you chose!)

You are still 18 or younger so GO and get some CANDY!!!
You never have to stop. If I lived in a neighborhood and had a partner in crime I would totally beg this year. I may next year! Seriously. As long as you dress up, no need to stop...EVER~! Half of the snotty teens don't even dress up at all and they still do it!
I think if you're old enough to buy your own candy and hand it out to the trick or treater's you are probably a little too old to go trick or treat yourself. But if you do go I'd love to hear what kind of reception you get!!! Have fun, whatever you decide!
Coming from someone that wasn't allowed to trick or treat after the age of 13, I say it's probably time to stop. Having said that....I think if you are polite and aren't running over the little ones, a few doors, wouldn't hurt!
I say screw it and go! Do you know any little kids you can "tag along with"? But, that's just me. Around here, a great majority of the high schoolers still dress up and go out trick or treating with thier friends, no little brothers and sisters...
If they don't like it, kick 'em and run fast! Okay, maybe not but...
Have fun, enjoy the holiday!
Definately treat! You've got to go trick or treating for me! I personally would love to go but my neighbors would probably beat me up.
Def. go trick or treating! I went until I was 18 lol. You can so get away with it. Have fun!
Personally, I stopped when I was about 12. But if you showed up in full costume, I would definitely give you candy.
I was done trick or treating when I was 12. But you have a fun costume, and you want to get full use out of it...I understand!
Do you have any little kids you can take trick or treating? Or a party where you can wear your costume?
I have to say I get really annoyed with older kids come to the dorr to trick-or-treat. That for the little kids (14 and under is okay).
I trick or treated til I was 19....
IMO-if you are dressed up and say "trick or treat" then you deserve candy. In our neighborhood we get SO MANY kids without a costume that don't even say trick or treat. What the heck??
i would go... because you have such an amazing costume!
No need to stop trick or treating!
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