I hate when you ask someone "Can I help you?" and they stare back at you as if you're speaking an alien language. And choose not to step forward until someone else asks if you can help them.
I hate when you order something, wait over a week for it to come, and open the package just to find that it was broken in transit.
I hate when you buy something for yourself to eat, and find that after you've had only a couple of bites someone has eaten the rest of the bag. Without asking.
I hate when you spend hours cleaning up your workspace only to have it trashed within a few minutes.
I hate when I get my cat nice and comfortable on my lap to go to sleep and the air conditioner screeches on outside of my window, thus terrifying my cat and making her dig her claws into my legs as she goes to run.
I hate when you wait all day for an email from someone, go to sleep, and find out the next morning that they emailed you right after you got into bed.
I hate when you hold the door for someone, they don't say thank you, and then they proceed to walk through the next door and slam it in your face. (And a PROFESSOR did this to me.)
I hate when you tell someone to "Have a nice day!", and they don't say anything back.
I hate when people just hang up the phone instead of saying some sort of departing words. (Goodbye would be nice.)
I hate store credit only returns.
I hate a lot of things when I'm tired. I need some sleep.
(seriously though, why are people so rude?)
Not Even Re-MOAT-ly
20 hours ago
I hate not getting enough sleep!
Ah yes, those are some good hates.
There are too many rude people in the world that is for sure. :(
GOOD list Lee!!
All justifiable hates. Now go get some sleep!
I hope that wasn't all in ONE day??? Hope you got some rest!! And I wish people would just stop the rudeness!!
Love the pic on thinkgeek! Great list Lee. Rude people get under my skin too.
Good hate list. I hate sitting on the FREEZING toilet seat in the middle of the night! (And being pregnant, I have to do it at least twice a night, aargh.)
I hate when I need sleep, I know I need sleep, but I can't fall asleep!
I agree with some of those.
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